Silicone Composite Insulator

Insulator is one of the most important items on any transmission overhead line. This item is the backbone of the transmission system in minimizing interreptions and outages and proviting for a safe plant. Therefore the quality of the insulator is very important.

Before 1950s, insulator technology was largely limited to porcelain. In the early 1950’s toughed-glass insulators were introduced in Europe and achived rapid expansion worldwide. This technology was introduced in North America between 1950 and 1960 and rapidly gained popularity in the 1960s through 1980s as major high-voltage grids were being completed. During 1970s, NCI (Non Ceramic Insulators) Insulators were introduced and gained rapid growth and acceptance in the 1980s.

WHY COMPOSITE INSULATORsilicon-composite-insulator_1

•Maintance Free
•Reduction in installation Cost
•Pollution Resistance
•Vandalism – Proof